Описание на продукта
Специален ключ за амортисьор с овална глава, 5 x 8 mm и 6 x 9 mm - 1301 - BGS technic.Shock Absorber Counter holding Wrench | for Shock Absorbers with Oval Pins - 1301 - BGS technic.
ideal for countering during assembly and disassembly of the rear shock absorber piston rods
universally usable for all common types of shock absorbers with oval pins
two different wrench sizes: 5 x 8 mm and 6 x 9 mm
safer and easier to use than locking pliers
wrench ends slightly angled, for more loosening space
Technical data
Length 182 mm
Gross weight 210 g
Surface finish Chrome plated
Packaging suitable for wall hanging Yes