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Стробоскоп автомобилен - ZT-04A6038 - SMANN PROFESSIONAL

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Стробоскоп автомобилен за бензинови двигатели, XENON 12V - ZT-04A6038 - SMANN PROFESSIONAL.

This product is for use on 12 volt ignition systems only.
Timing is given in degrees or linear measurement (e.g.millimetres) relative to the TOP DEAD CENTRE (TDC), of the movement of the piston.
BTDC: Before top dead centre (timing advanced).
ATDC: After top dead centre (timing retarded).

Availability: Не е налично

59,80 лв.
Каталожен №: ZT-04A6038

Описание на продукта


Стробоскоп автомобилен за бензинови двигатели,XENON 12V - ZT-04A6038 - SMANN PROFESSIONAL.

This product is for use on 12 volt ignition systems only.
Timing is given in degrees or linear measurement (e.g.millimetres) relative to the TOP DEAD CENTRE (TDC), of the movement of the piston.
BTDC: Before top dead centre (timing advanced).
ATDC: After top dead centre (timing retarded).

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